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SPARCX™ Anteroom


SPARCX™ (System of Portable Anteroom Containment - X) 

is a system of portable prefabricated anterooms designed with Singapore General Hospital Department of Anesthesia. It functions as a modular airlock that facilitates passage of patients, healthcare workers and medical equipment in and out of contaminated areas while keeping the common corridor clean.


Through the integration of SPARCXAnterooms, existing key infrastructure can be rapidly upgraded with isolation capabilities within hours, at a fraction of the cost of renovation.


SPARCX™ Air Flow Filtration System





Air from corridor only passes through One-Way Damper on the unit’s corridor facing doors and into SPARCXAnteroom.

Any air in SPARCX™ Anteroom is pulled through unit’s Air Filtration System (AFS) and supplied into the Isolated Room (increased clean air supply and additional safeguard)

Air in the Isolated Room is filtered through a second custom AFS before entering the rooms common return system (increased air extraction) (Optional add-on)

When the inner doors are opened, this results in contaminated air entering the anteroom. Inner doors automatically closes and the system intelligently decontaminates before allowing corridor doors to open (Air Purge) (Patented)

SPARCX™ Behaviour

*Behaviour standard for all SPARCX Model

SPARCX™ Key Features

Entrance & Exit Door  (Automatic Door)
Heavy-duty, durable aluminum framed door assemblies are constructed with clear windows permitting visibility.

One-Way Damper with Prefilter
Filtering air from environment, ensuring the air enter the cubicle is free from large dust particles.

Air Filtarition  System (AFS) with HEPA Filter
Air in the anteroom is filtered through a custom HEPA unit before entering the rooms to ensure clean air is release into the isolated environment.

Motion Sensors
Sensor detecting motion i.e people moving.

Collision Sensors

Detect if there is any object or person blocking the door way before the door is fully closed.

Magnehelic Gauge

Indicates differential pressure.

Onboard Computer

Allows intelligent behaviour and real time monitoring of all onboard systems.

Control Panel

Emergency override, key for conversion to non-infectious mode and hand wave sensor.

LED Light Diffuser

Ensuring uniform lighting throughout the SPARCXAnteroom.


News Asia




"Plug & Play" Design

Equipped with a patented air decontamination feature, it is intelligently able to detect when it has been contaminated and increase the air turnover and filtration within the room to ensure that it is always kept clean.

Designed with clinicians for clinical workflow, our SPARCX Systems are well designed to be truly “Plug & Play” with minimal facility downtime, no renovation costs and able to accommodate clinical workflows.


Tested to the Extreme

To ensure and test the system's ability to contain viruses, scientists from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research's Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology released live non-pathogenic viruses into a simulated patient room installed with SPARCX™. No microbes escaped from the room.

Most importantly, our SPARCX™ Systems have been installed in various reference sites and have been utilized for COVID-19 and other infectious patients.


Find Out More !

Email us ( for more information or drop us a WhatsApp at +65 81211668 to find out more now!

SPARCX Brochure.png

SPARCX™ Anteroom Brochure

Project References

© 2021 The BioFactory Pte. Ltd.

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